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3 Day Hitting Camp
WHEN: On Wednesday and Thursday June 29th and 30th from 9AM-12PM.
WHAT: This is a 2 Day Camp that will begin with approximately 30-45 minutes of individual skill instruction and drill work that will transition into Instructional Games for the remaining time. We will have Coach Padgett, Coach Tim Hogan (Head JV Coach at O'Connell), and Coach Ryan Shiel (JV Assistant Coach and ATB Coach) running scrimmage games. The games will be a mix of machine pitch and coach pitch as to avoid taxing pitchers who are in the midst of summer seasons, but will be very instructional in nature. Coaches will stop play and instruct whenever they encounter teachable moments. I have always felt that this is the best way to teach the game, as things come up naturally and players can be shown the correct way things should look and develop within the framework of a game. We will separate players by age and will have multiple games happening. Ideally we get about 30 players so we can field 4 teams, so please feel free to share with your friends!
The cost is $100 for the camp.
They will take place on the baseball field at Bishop O'Connell High School.
If you have any questions, please email Coach Padgett at kpadgett@bishopoconnell.org.